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Movie err TV show Review Haiku: The Walking Dead

Liked it at the start
Needs more zombie killing now
And far less drama

25 Responses to “Movie err TV show Review Haiku: The Walking Dead”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Yeah all the best zombie films tend to have a small number of locations, and a very simple story arc…almost always with a tragic end.

    I can’t imagine that translating well to TV.

  2. Miguel Says:

    Desperate Wives of Atlanta Zombies.
    Zombie Shore.
    Survivor TEOFWAWKI

  3. John Says:

    I suck at haiku
    But I must agree with you
    Walking Dead now blows

  4. OHSHAWN Says:

    Really, you’re going to sit around and DISCUSS whether or not to destroy downed zombies and/or freshly turned humans? I’m sorry, if you keep me from braining your sister, I’m likely going to just brain you first. This show needs…more…action.

  5. red Says:

    I really liked it until the CDC plot line. Now, I’m worried they’re about to jump a giant undead shark.

  6. Will Says:

    I agree 100%, Uncle. It’s as if Lifetime made a zombie TV show. OHSHAWN, I’m fine with them discussing whether or not to destroy downed zombies and/or freshly turned humans, but the time to discuss that is BEFORE the need arises. They seem to not have the ability to plan for contingencies.

    Red, I’m glad they’re bringing in the CDC plot line. Not because I’m confident it’ll be good, but because just about anything would improve the show at this point.

    The only reason I’m still watching is because there aren’t that many zombie shows to choose from.

  7. Dave Says:

    Pretty much agree with all the other comments. I recorded the show this last Sunday and had to really restrain myself from fast forwarding through the first 1/2 hour. They wasted 30 minutes of a 1 hour long program showing the older sister sitting by her dead zombie bitten sister.

    It. Was. Painful.

    Oh yeah, and homeboy you left by the tree. Yeah, he’ll come back as a zombie and probably kill one of you guys. The black dad and son in the beginning had it together and knew you killed people once they were bitten. Everyone else hasn’t got the memo. Except crossbow dude. I get we are supposed to believe that the deputy and the rest of the characters don’t know anything about zombies.
    I used to think the crossbow ‘All Saints Day’ guy was just reckless and angry all the time. Now, he’s my favorite character. He is gritty and ruthless against those zombies and he’s extremely refreshing after watching the drama. What sucks is he isn’t the main character which makes him more expendable. If he dies, I hope they at least bring back the one-handed brother. Sometimes you just need bad dudes on your team when you are fighting the undead. Plus it helps balance out all the “Days Of Our Lives” drama that goes on during the other 58 minutes.

  8. Stuart the Viking Says:

    So far, I like the WD. I am worried that the CDC story arc is going to destroy that.

    The big problem that I have with the show is just how tactically STUPID the people are. Camping in TENTS? With zombies walking around? “Ooooh, don’t make the fire too big, the zombies might see” Give me a break! Hasn’t anyone ever heard of a defensable position?

    All in all, I’m waiting for the wheels to fall off and the show to get boring. For some, it looks like that has already happened. For me, I will watch a few more episodes. Sadly, I don’t think this show will have the legs to make it for more than a season or two at the most. On one hand, there are so many directions that they could take it, on the other hand, most of those directions are boring.


  9. **** Says:

    Everything that starts out good on tv seems to turn into stupid drama BSG was an annoying example of this. (exception: Human Target)

  10. Matt Says:

    Season concludes next week, I believe. I agree, needs more zombie shooting goodness, or at least less emoting about the dead folks.

  11. Number9 Says:

    Off topic, check this out:

    Maybe this warrants a post Uncle?

  12. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Yeah they started diverging from the comic pretty rapidly once Rick got to Atlanta and all for the worse.

  13. RWC Says:

    Stuart the Viking,

    They have already sold a 13 episode season 2.

  14. DirtCrashr Says:

    TV always descends into the cheap cliches of drama, the TV writers really don’t know anything else” “Stella! I’m a ZOMBIE!” “You can handle the Zombie!” “As God is my witness I’ll never go BRRAAAINS again!”

  15. MrSatyre Says:

    Very much enjoy the drama. Nice to have some realism applied atop an otherwise “shoot ’em up” concept. Trouble with notions like “needs…less emoting about the dead folks” is that it ignores what people would really be going through trying to survive any apocalypse. I seriously doubt any of you nay-sayers would be thrilled at the prospect of blowing your loved ones brains out, or simply watching them and everything else you take for granted and depend on fall apart.

    You want simple, zero intelligence violence on TV? Watch a re-run of the A-Team.

  16. Robert Says:

    Episode VIII ought to be the band bumping into a couple of young women whose mission in life is to rid the earth of zombies. The girls are puzzled by the group’s mindset and lack of weapons. The girls are setting up strongpoints, turning on boom boxes then dancing and blasting zombies all day from a low rooftop until they set a new personal record. Then they roll out in a big Ram 4X4 over the berm of zombodies and find the next spot to shoot from. They ask the group “what’s WRONG with you people?” The Asian guy leaves with the girls.

  17. Robert Says:

    The boombox mostly plays: “We got the beat” by the Bangles.

  18. Dan Says:

    Did not see the latest on, but some I liked the ending to the one before where a bunch of useless scumsucking humans were eaten. More of that needs to happen. And please, do not let the hot, dumb chick survive at the end. Like a lot of horror movies do. Please …

  19. Stuart the Viking Says:


    I know they have sold a second season. I was impercise. What I meant was, I don’t see this thing going much past that second season (if at all). Hell, since I like the show, they will probably cancel in the middle of that second season without even showing all 13 episodes.


    That’s funny. A friend of mine that really digs this show is also an A-Team FANATIC. Complete with writing fan-fic episodes and everything.


  20. Dave Says:

    Drama is okay when its in bearable doses and a little more balanced. I mean, all we are seeing lately is touchy feely sad emotions. How about the other side of the spectrum? I get that mourning is something that is done in real life but that doesn’t mean you use 30 min. of your 1 hour show to illustrate that action either.
    They showed the guys digging graves briefly and placing 1 body in the ground but then skipped onto another scene. Probably took a couple minutes of the show. How long does it take to dig a hole and put bodies in? Several hours at least. Why don’t they show it? Cuz it would be boring and make for awful TV. I’m okay with showing human emotion. I want that. I just don’t need 30 minutes of drawn out sobbing. If I wanted that I would watch Something’s Gotta Give again with my wife. (Diane Keaton cries for 1/3 of the movie. Just awful.)

  21. Cargosquid Says:

    1) The A-Team would have already cleared most of Atlanta and started a command post for refugees.

    2) Robert, that plot with the girls would rock. I would so change channels to watch THAT show.

    3) At least in the comic, Rick taught everyone how to shoot. Why isn’t everyone carrying a pistol? Its freaking Georgia. EVERY house has guns. And MY boy would already know how to shoot, if I was Rick. Maybe he has that “Only one” disease…..

    4) Leaving the guy to turn is right out of the comic. One complaint/review about the comic series is that the characters NEVER SEEM TO LEARN nor use tactics.

  22. Shawn Says:

    Yeah, I tried watching it as I like zombie movies but they did what I expected them to do: Turn it into a drama series. I was hoping they wouldn’t but they did. Like every other old show or genre I like.

    They did the same BS with Battlestar Galactica and the new stargate universe on SciFi. My mom was a big time stargate fan and even she hates it.

  23. Lyle Says:

    It seems no matter how interesting the subject, TV series always lapse into soap operas. I don’t like soap operas. “Oh; how will bobbie deal with her increasingly complex relationship with Greg, now that Suzie is pregnant and John has returned…” Blech. It’s just not worth it.

  24. divemedic Says:

    They do it with all the good shows, and then can’t figure out why the ratings drop, and the show is canceled. How many good shows does this have to happen to before they figure it out?
    Jericho, Terminator Chronicles, WD, etc.

  25. ViolentIndifference Says:

    Robert: EXACTLY THAT, except it would be “Another One Bites the Dust.”

    do do BOMP BOMP BOMP another one BANG! bites the dust

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