Archive for November, 2010

November 24, 2010

Pocket Rifles and 10/22 SBRs

I love pocket rifles. Pics stolen from this subguns thread:

From Gun Porn
From Gun Porn
From Gun Porn

More TSA stuff

The TSA wants you to know they’re not thugs, which is why they’re confiscating your camera

I’ve heard a number of people say they expect the TSA to find some bogus security reason to ban cameras at the harassment gate. Of course, all their security reasons are bogus.

In other news, the TSA has a blog. No shit. If you’re reading this (and you will), fuck you.

hitting gun laws where it counts

Right in the budget:

Gun control activists expect someone on the House Appropriations Committee to move an amendment today to D.C.’s budget that would wipe out the city’s gun laws.

We’re Winning

Les Jones on the local paper’s coverage of a home defense shooting:

Didja catch that? The paper didn’t portray the Franklin family’s gun as something weird or scary or foreign. They called it a “household .357 revolver.”


In Illinois

Motion to dismiss denied in FOID challenge.

Tactical 22s

American Rifleman has a look. They are popular these days.

Sales for gun nuts

The Executive Holster on sale for $75.

Knives and More having a sale this weekend too.

Black Rifle Friday at Brownells

They’ve not met my wife’s dogs

Dogs smarter than cats.


Redneck Engineer is building his own .50 cal rifle.

Do not try to catch a dropped gun

I’m betting that’s what happened.

Shaming the TSA

Name them and shame them: Address TSA agents by their name.

Poor ass-grabbers are sad that they have to fondle fatties and people with bad hygiene. Soon they’ll have a rule saying you must be attractive to fly.

One measure of a good law or policy is whether the people who pass them or enforce them apply them to themselves. And they usually don’t. Huckabee tells Obama to send the first family through TSA.

Push polling reaction to TSA.

Poor babies.

Gun Porn

This gun has 24 barrels.

You, dawg, I heard you like rails.

Axe guns. Ok, then.


Carter’s First Birthday and His First Rifle

1911 22LR


I think every law should have a sunset clause. But the repeal amendment sounds good too.

November 23, 2010

Update on home invasion

mentioned it earlier, but it looks like the wife did the shooting.

NPR says what I’ve said for years

The trust fund isn’t a fund. And you shouldn’t trust it.

If I loan myself one hundred gazillion dollars with the obligation to pay myself back, anyone who believes I’m the richest man on earth is a fool.

Trouble with Ponzi schemes is that eventually you run out of suckers and the bill comes due.

Shot Shell Auto Loading Pistol

Smith & Weston’s New.410 Double Trouble Autoloader:

Quote of the Day

Cam Edwards on facebook:

There have been more than 2700 homicides in Juarez, Mexico this year. Right across the river in El Paso, Texas there have been 4. Yet President Calderon (and President Obama) says Mexico’s violence is the fault of our gun laws.

Too bad one got away

In Knoxville, two guys decide to forcibly enter a home. The homeowner decides to introduce one of the invader’s insides to the outside world.

Black Rifle Friday

Coming soon. 10% off on all your evil black rifle needs just in time for the holidays.

So… I’m carrying a Glock these days.

A fine choice.

My new favorite thing Where you can buy common items that are just really big. Like a mailbox sized shotgun shell or a big ass pickle. Why not.

All by their own selves

Attributing human characteristics to guns. Treating them like characters in a story. It’s like no human involvement was necessary.

What once was lost

Has been found. Missing Andrew Traver Anti-Assault Rifle TV Interview Surfaces. This guy could be the future head of ATF.


500 grain, 458 SOCOM round hits gellatin:



Dr. Bill Holda, president of Kilgore College in Kilgore, TX, will have to do some fast backpedaling if he’s to have any hope of outrunning his recent comments about the 1991 massacre at a Luby’s Cafeteria in Killeen, TX—the second deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, surpassed only by the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre. Dr. Holda recently angered both survivors of the shooting and concealed carry advocates by claiming that some of the victims of the massacre (which became a rallying cry for supporters of lawful self-defense) actually shot each other.

Stealthy place to hide a gun

In a clock. Would be a bit more stealthy if it didn’t say NRA, I’m guessing.

The Jersey Gun Suit

Sebastian notes that it is a facial challenge. It will be like the law never existed.

Gun control polls

The slow death of gun control.

Thanksgiving Tip

Cooking a twenty-five pound turkey in under thirty seconds with ten pounds of thermite.

Via Neatorama.

TSA Shaming

Those defenders of civil liberties, The LA Times Editorial Board, stand up for the little guy. No, I’m sorry. They tell you to Shut Up And Be Scanned.

Handy guide: How to spot a terrorist.

TSA agents say they’re just following orders and they really don’t like tugging on your penis anyway. And we should be sympathetic to those poor, poor people who have to fondle our naughty bits. Any sympathy I may have had is gone after you strip search a young boy.

TSA chief says it’s inconsiderate to protest on the busiest travel day of the year. Thinks touching your balls is considerate.

Testicle Squeezing Authority

The market brings us underwear to protect privacy, get you strip searched.

Land of the free

Passenger chooses to strip to undies instead of being patted down.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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