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Are guns just tools? Sure they are. But the way gun nuts and hobbyists treat them makes them seem like much more. As to why there are a lot of gun blogs, well, who is actively working to ban crochet hooks with the help of the press?

5 Responses to “Tools”

  1. Cargosquid Says:

    Um,…….the TSA?

  2. Gunmart Says:

    There are as many forums, blogs, etc dedicated to power tools, hand tools, wood working tools, etc as there are for guns – maybe more. Do a google search for lawnmower forum/blog sometime.

    My point is, there are as many Tool-nuts out there as there are gun-nuts. People are passionate about the things that capture their imagination…. look at cars. They are in reality nothing more then a way to get from point A to point B, but to countless people they are a life long passion.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Plus the back-and-forth banter Al-La Glock vs. 1911 vs Wheelie or AR vs. AK (Vs. Mosin LOL)

    You’ll find iPhone Vs. Droid, Mac vs. Windows, Various Linux Distributions, Ford vs. Chevy

    I’m sure AD gets into discussions on who makes the best airway kit.

    Brand loyalty and people who are nuts about designs applies to EVERYTHING

    The specific gun-blogger community and Gun Rights community is simply because of the attempts to ban our favorite tools.

    Heck I posted a video of a guy who reviews Malt Liquors, and he specifically did a series of vids on Four Loko

    So yeah, they are just tools.

    Oh and for all of us Gun nuts there’s a guy with a “Shotgun” or “Revolver” or “9mm” tucked in a closet, holster, or sock drawer that they acquired and haven’t really given it much thought. Just like my cheap China-made tool kit I keep around for driving screws and cranking bolts. Couldn’t tell you the brand, or even where I got it. I’m sure Craftsman makes better stuff, but do I care?

    I don’t care but I know two dozen guys who personally do.

  4. Oleg Volk Says:

  5. Bobby Says:

    Oleg, That what you posted is phenominal. Perfect points made there.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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