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Threats to rangers

The NYT thinks that armed humans are a threat to park rangers.

8 Responses to “Threats to rangers”

  1. chris Says:

    Yes, and their idea of a park is Central Park.

    And their idea of a wild animal is an off-the-leash dog.

  2. Stretch Says:

    “The NYT thinks…” is the major error in this post.

    And NYFC is the place city pols brought in ‘possums to “fix” the rat population. No, Really!!

  3. Jerry Says:

    I can’t remember who said it, but I once heard a statement that went something like this:

    Fuck The New York Times.

  4. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    “I can’t remember who said it, but I once heard a statement that went something like this:”

    Something that lady-like then it must have been Ann Coulter.

  5. Bobby Says:

    Hey, Jerry’s right!

    Im from NY, near the City… so I dont read newspapers.

  6. Cargosquid Says:

    I thought it was bears after pik-i-nik basskits, BooBoo.

  7. trackerk Says:

    Really? Because the last time I talked to a park ranger I had a rifle in my hands and he was telling my son and I the best place to hunt squirrels. He was in no more danger than the squirrels since we are crappy hunters.

    Of course he was a state park ranger. Those federallies get their panties in a wad at the thought of a pointy stick.

  8. RJG Says:

    I know a woman who patrols unarmed for Corps of Engineers at locations around the US, currently in MA. Having to kickout drunks/kids unarmed (per regulation) can be quite threatening..

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