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As a backup to your backup

JayG reviews the North American Arms Mini-22LR.

5 Responses to “As a backup to your backup”

  1. mikee Says:

    My brother had one about 25 years ago, and claimed that no police officer ever noticed it tucked into the watch pocket of his jeans. He had a lot of officer friends.

    He may still have it, but I can’t tell if it is stuffed in any of his jeans pockets, either.

  2. Paul Says:

    The NAA is a good gun for your opponent to have!

    But I admit, I saw a Pug .22 magnum NAA for $250… I was tempted but honestly $250 is alot of money for a ‘cute’ gun to show friends.

  3. Gunmart Says:

    I’d like to have the break top version they are coming out with………. it would make a novety gun into a fun plinker

  4. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    “Get rid of it.”

  5. SPQR Says:

    For the well-armed chihuahua.

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