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Fake Gun Ban

I think to ban fake guns, you need fake gun laws.

5 Responses to “Fake Gun Ban”

  1. mikee Says:

    A decade or so ago, my son bought a CO2 BB pistol that looks just like a Sig 220, except for the tinier hole in the front end and slightly different controls (a fake slide lock, for example). It came from the Walmart in shiny black.

    I painted the front end of the gun bright red. He and his friends often went plinking in the 100 acre wood behind our subdivision, and I wanted anyone seeing him to have a chance to realize the BB gun was not a centerfire pistol.

    I also explained to him that if anyone approached them in the woods about what they were doing, he was to put the pistol in his backpack or down on the ground, then speak with the person. Not to speak with them while holding something that looked like a pistol in his hands.

    That seemed to work out OK. He never got in trouble for shooting at the acorns, etc., with his friends, who were armed with everything from paintball guns to BB rifles, and he never pretended the pistol was a real firearm.

  2. John Smith. Says:

    The city council said it was to keep people from feeling intimidated…. So they would not be intimidated if I strolled in their with a real weapon???

  3. ViolentIndifference Says:

    “This ordinance shall not restrict the use of a facsimile firearm for self defense of a person’s residence or place of business.”

    WTF? Thank GOD I can still defend my home with my finger and thumb pointed into the shape of a semi-automatic “L”. Take that, bad guy!

  4. M4finny Says:

    Here’s my version of similar legislation: Ordinance wording – “No person shall conduct themselves in a public place as defined in Minnesota statute … as a facsimile public servant within the city.

    Facsimile public servant means any person not actually servng the public interest, acting as a replica of an actual leader, which substantially duplicates an actual person displaying leadership qualities, or which could reasonably be perceived to be an actual public servant with the duties of demontrating true maturity, honesty and leadership qualities.

    This ordinance shall not restrict the use of a facsimile public servant for the purposes of attending masquerade balls, halloween parties, et al.”

    There, all better now.

  5. jason Says:

    Teh Stoopid……it makes my brain hurt. Talk about a complete disconnect from reality.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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