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Remember the astroturf group the American Hunters and Shooters Association? We knew they were bought and paid for by the Democrat party. But now we know:

The Obama campaign paid for Schoenke’s travel to 40 events in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida and Colorado to address pro-gun voters.

2 Responses to “Shills”

  1. Gunmart Says:

    Alternate title: The Smoking Gun

  2. milquetoast Says:

    His campaign platform promised to pursue long-standing proposals to address urban violence: reinstating the assault weapons ban, outlawing “cop killer” bullets and closing the “gun-show loophole”

    and then a few paragraphs later

    “The opposition said Obama was going to take away everyone’s guns, tax ammunitions, tax guns, register guns and reinstate the assault weapons ban,” Schoenke said. “We said, ‘He is not going to do any of these things.’ And he didn’t.”

    So, Ray Schoenke was paid by the Obama campaign to tell people Obama won’t do things on his list of things he promised to do. Genius.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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