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In Cali

Trial court says second amendment protects nunchaku.

10 Responses to “In Cali”

  1. Canthros Says:

    So, now they’ll have a list of approved nunchaku, and of various “assault nunchaku” features prohibited within the bounds of the state of California?

  2. LKP Says:

    I’ll keep to pistols. Whenever I handle those things I get the horrible feeling I’m going to clobber myself in nunchakus with them. Yeouch!

  3. Dan Says:

    I assume that only the militia established by the State government can arm people in nunchaku, then?

  4. Albert A Rasch Says:

    I was just thinking about that earlier today while the Taliban were shooting rockets at us…

    Best Regards,
    Albert “Afghanus” Rasch
    The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles: Dealing With Muslim Extremism ChroniclesStyle

  5. Steve Says:

    I bought nunchakus when I was a kid. Hit myself in the temple the first day I had them and quickly lost interest.
    They have been hanging on a nail in my basement for years and every once in a while a friend notices them and can’t resist playing with them. It always sounds the same. You hear the sound of the chain swivel for a minute or two and then then the groan as maple meets wedding tackle.
    Good times…good times.

  6. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Yep “Arms” does not equal “Gun”, and despite what the anti-gun dorks say guns are not different than anything else.

  7. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I knew a guy (it wasn’t me, I swear) that knocked himself clean out the first time he practiced with his chucks.

  8. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    This is why you get the fake rubber ones to practice with first. And once you get good with them…they are pretty bad ass in a CQB situation.

  9. Chas Says:

    Oh, great! Perhaps now one will be able to legally own an ancient agricultural flail designed for threshing grain, but which can also be used as a second-rate, improvised weapon that is vastly inferior to a good knife.
    Still, it might eventually be a victory over ignorance. Eventually. Maybe.

  10. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    All things being equal, the knife is inferior to the nunchaku.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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