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The bias is stupid

ABC’s Nightline looks at restaurant carry. They get substantially everything wrong. But the really funny bit is that they point out how drawing and firing from a holster is less accurate than taking slow aimed shots under ideal conditions.

4 Responses to “The bias is stupid”

  1. Gunmart Says:

    They started off before the story even began by equating it to the wild west saloons….. They did however properly use the term “clip”.

  2. divemedic Says:

    The supposed cop that was demonstrating that slow fire is more accurate than rapid fire cheated a bit. There were 10 shots in the rapid fire target that supposedly were fired rapid fire from that small frame revolver. Also, the slow fire groups sucked. He is by no means the “expert shot” that they tried to make him out to be.

  3. Kristopher Says:

    They are absolutely correct.

    You should open carry your AR-15 instead, and take slow aimed shots at criminals.

  4. Sigivald Says:

    I’ve never trusted Nightline or 60 Minutes or the like in decades.

    They’re always hilariously wrong panic-mongers on every subject, really.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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