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TSA at work

Stealing your stuff and not going to jail for it:

A 37-year-old former Transportation Security Administration officer has been sentenced to three years’ probation for stealing laptop computers from passengers’ luggage at Philadelphia International Airport.

4 Responses to “TSA at work”

  1. Ian Argent Says:

    Only notable if he got a less-strict sentence than Sumodood would have under the circs. That’s not a given in Philly, from what I understand.

  2. Kristopher Says:

    Yea, petty theft as far as a judge is concerned. At least he got enough years probation to make him a felon and kick his ass off the GSA gravytrain.

  3. junyo Says:

    It”s Philly. A little bit of stealing is part of the compensation package for public sector employees. And it’s not like he beat someone down or lied to get a conviction, so he’s practically a saint.

  4. counsel Says:

    What is the breakpoint for petty theft? it is $500 here, and i would have thought one of them would be worth more than that…

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