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Guns on campus

MTSU police to get ARs

6 Responses to “Guns on campus”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Nice… Strangely they called the virginia tech guys weapons semi automatic without calling them pistols when they were asked if the rifles were excessive… Now why would they hide that fact??? I guess a man with a pair of 9mm can outgun a man with an ar-15… Another noticeable thing was that one officer was heading out on patrol with the rifle… Even when they say they have not issued them yet…. Or trained the officers… You could tell they were new to the weapons seeing how gingerly they were handling them….

  2. David - FL Says:

    Maybe they should stop infringing on students 2nd Amendment rights instead! Gun free zones = victim rich zones!

  3. Beaumont Says:

    In Murfreesboro, they’ll still be at a firepower disadvantage.

  4. Huck Says:

    Why do they need the ARs? If they do like campus cops usually do they’ll just cordon off the area where the shooter is until he offs himself.

  5. Jim S Says:

    So these guns were supposed to help with the Virginia Tech shooting? Hmm…no I think not. I think that responding to credible reports of a motherf***er shooting on campus would be better. Any show of force would (even with a .22) would have been far more beneficial than letting a psycho wander around campus killing federally and illegally unarmed citizens.

    Also, the article title…powerful guns? What is their criterion for powerful? More powerful than a BB gun or slingshot? Maybe something I wouldn’t want to get shot with? I just think that the .223 is a bare minimum caliber that is just enough to get a job done (with multiple hits). Not my idea of “powerful”

  6. Ron W Says:

    How does the addition of these small caliber rifles help against a VT type scenario? They would only be used AFTER THE FACT,so the MTSU security could feel a little more secure when they come to clean up the carnage done to unarmed, locked-down victims and a perp that had already used his last bullet on himself.

    Such weapons would only be useful for an attack against MTSU Security and so far, the mass-murderers have always chosen unarmed victims–kept that way for them by officialdom.

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