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Area man

Nebraska man arrested for hate crime following confrontation on King County Metro bus

That’s interesting. The “Nebraska man” said:

“In my country, we kill faggots,” and “I’m going to (sic) suicide, and everybody is going down with me; I’m not going alone.”

And the “Nebraska man” is named Mustaf A. Abdille. Doesn’t sound like a “Nebraska man” to me at all.

11 Responses to “Area man”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Kind of incongruent. I highly doubt straight guys suicide to kill the fags in his country…. The suicide is being the fag….

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    the story claims he’s homeless, and he was riding a bus. How does that work? Was it in Nebraska where the crime happened, or was he coming from Nebraska, or is it like how I’m a Maine man living in Massachusetts….

    Newspaper writers suck is the important message.

  3. Beaumont Says:

    Actually, Mustaf told the reporter, “Nebraskastan is the famous corn-growing region of North Yemen, where all the boys are beautiful, all the dogs of women remain virgins, and of course we do not suffer from the decadent Western curse of homosexuality”.

  4. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    The “narrative” requires that these be Americans, and if they’re just “citizens”, that’s sufficient. He’s probably had a Nebraska address at one time. This makes it a “hate crime” attributable to an “American”. See how that works? You get to absorb some of the blame for essentially jihadi hatred, and they’re ignored.

  5. mikee Says:

    Mustaf A Abdille: drunk on a bus, getting in fights: likely an Irish Catholic immigrant to our fair shores (to use a 19th Century stereotype).

    He said himself that he isn’t from the US. I wonder why his country of origin was not reported?

  6. Dan Says:

    Sounds like a reaction to continued support of Israel by the United States.

  7. MJM Says:

    Their choosing to report him as a “Nebraska man” sounds as fake as finding a pig’s tooth and extrapolating it into the missing-link skeleton labeled “Nebraska Man.” Hmm. Maybe the two faked Nebraska men have more in common after all. LOL.

  8. JoeMerchant24 Says:

    Well… Maybe he thought he was in Bellevue, NE in his drunken stupor.

  9. workinwifdakids Says:

    “In my country…”

    That phrase specifically excludes him as an American.

  10. DirtCrashr Says:

    Like they said, his country sure the hell ain’t Nebraska, and he’s not an American either.
    Did they also say he was a “Religious Evangelical” without mentioning the religion?

  11. Jerry Says:

    I am a pro-choice Republican. You may read into that what you will. My choice, is that my children should remain alive, and be smarter than other children. Yes, I know I’m wrong. Dan Rather said so.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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