Archive for December, 2010

December 15, 2010

This is exactly how to deal with antigun crackpots

Of course it is. Gun people are a much more fun group than those depressing anti-gunners.

Middle Ground

No, we’re not at the middle ground. We’re a little too far toward the anti-gun side for my taste. Others agree, hence all the lawsuits. But point taken.

Gun Porn

Bazooka Brothers 45ACP AR

An old machine gun


December 14, 2010

On the phone

CALL TO ACTION: On Wednesday, December 15 2010, please pick up your phone and call Governor Christie at 609-292-6000. Wish him a Merry Christmas and ask him to please Free Brian Aitken!!!

Aitken, you’ll recall, was pretty much railroaded by NJ’s insane gun laws.

Couch Ninja


The whole tooth

Last night, Junior discovered she had her first loose tooth. She doesn’t appreciate Dad telling her the various ways to pull them out. But I’m thinking something like this:

Man, where did the time go?

I laughed

At this blog post title.

A right delayed

is a right denied. This time, in Chicago:

Gun owners: Permit process not exactly as fast as a speeding bullet

As Chicago’s post-ban handgun registration system gets phased in, critics complain it is tedious and costly

Then it’s working like the city planned, I would guess. More:

Diaz, who wanted a gun for home protection and target shooting, said he spent months trudging through the process to get his permit.

After applying for a state firearm owner’s identification card in June, he waited a month to receive it. He next spent several weeks looking for a certified instructor and a range where he could take the mandated firearms training course. He settled on a Dundee range about 35 miles from his home, but he waited several more weeks for an open class. Finally, after shelling out $100, he received his gun permit in September.

First Person Shooter

Some videos of Joe participating in a USPSA match as seen from his perspective.

Land Grab

Supreme Court decides not to hear eminent domain case in NY. The land grab will continue.

In San Diego

Judge rules for the city in concealed carry challenge.

Ammo Day Pics

I did not send around an email asking and don’t know who did. But James posted pics of his ammo day score. Sweet.

Diamondback DB380 Review

Over at gunnuts media. Not a fan.

Only the rights we want

Joe: At what point does this right becomes infringed in Breyer opinion?

Yes. Let’s ban Islam in Tennessee. It’s OK, you can go to Kentucky to worship. Right?

Rule 1

All guns are always loaded

The weapon you have on you

Man uses chainsaw in self defense.

A right delayed

is a right denied.

I’m not a Mac guy nor an HK guy

But this is funny to me:

From Stuff

Gun Porn

Here’s some pics of the bump-firing stock for the AR-15.

Remington 700

The cutest thing you will see today.

Bushmaster ACR bullpup?

December 13, 2010

Sign of the times

I’m now getting spam texted to me. Sigh.

Snow Day

Off to a slow start. I think the amount of time it took the kids to get dressed in their snow gear was more than the amount of time actually spent playing in the snow. Well, more like snow-colored grass.

Breyer on arms

Breyer says a lot of dumb things here. Since the scope is undetermined, it’s like a right doesn’t exist.

And if you want to shoot a gun but live somewhere where you can’t own them, then you should just visit places you can shoot guns.



I never would have thought I’d hear NRA use the phrase “Constitutional Carry

Caught on tape

Homeowner and burglar draw down.

Caliber Debate

Only without naming names.

You don’t say?

Anti-gunners lie.

Bushmaster and Thompson Factories to close

That’s the word.

Boomershoot Merchandise

Joe says you can get it here.

Gun Porn

What you can buy in GA with a MA license.

100th anniversary.

Epic gun porn thread

Pretty machinegunner

December 12, 2010

Knock your socks off

Or the opposite of that.

Getting ready for a shower and was laying out something to wear. My socks were inside out. Now, I usually take a sock, push the toe through and then give it a snap of the wrist to get the sock the way it’s supposed to be. I did that and it didn’t quite work and the sock snapped down and hit me right in the junk. It literally caused me to knuckle over.


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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