Obviously we need a federal penis enlargement program, to help stop all this violence. Duh! Boys would be inspected on a regular basis to see if their penis size presents a danger to society. Don’t say that too loud though– some Congressretard would likely submit a bill. But for all we know it’s already in Obamacare.
January 5th, 2011 at 3:38 pm
I’m concerned that all three of them are apparently sharing one common penis. 😉
January 5th, 2011 at 11:45 pm
Obviously we need a federal penis enlargement program, to help stop all this violence. Duh! Boys would be inspected on a regular basis to see if their penis size presents a danger to society. Don’t say that too loud though– some Congressretard would likely submit a bill. But for all we know it’s already in Obamacare.