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Post shooting stuff

The narrative changes, depending on the shooter.

Blaming pro-freedom rhetoric: If any rhetoric can be blamed for this weekend’s tragedy, it’s the rhetoric that insists that gun control means an assault on people’s constitutional rights, and that we need only to enforce the gun laws we already have.

Massad Ayoob discussses the shooting.

One Response to “Post shooting stuff”

  1. Lyle Says:

    “…control means an assault on people’s constitutional rights, and that we need only to enforce the gun laws we already have.”

    Wait; I don’t want to enforce the gun laws we alread have. They’re stupid and counterproductive. They never had anything to do with crime or safety in the first place. their only measurable effect has been to make things worse. What nut would want them enforced?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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