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Like you and me, only better

Is Heath Schuler planning on breaking the law? He shouldn’t carry in a snow storm either.

A bill to allow congresscritters to carry guns. Even at the Capitol.

6 Responses to “Like you and me, only better”

  1. The Packetman Says:

    If congresscritters can, so should I …

  2. ViolentIndifference Says:

    “So congressman, you recognize that having a weapon for self defense for yourself is a good thing. Wouldn’t it be good if everyone can defend themselves?”

    “I’m not following you”

    “Shouldn’t every American have the right to defend themselves?”

    “What? You aren’t making sense.”

    “If you can carry a gun to protect yourself, shouldn’t the people that voted you in be able to carry?”

    “I hear words coming out of your mouth, but I can’t make sense of them.”

    “Congressman: You get gun. Can I get gun?”

    “That’s just gibberish, now”

    “You should vote to give yourself a raise.”

    “Now THOSE are words that make sense to me!!”

  3. Ron W Says:

    Congresscritters should be allowed to carry weapons EVERYWHERE that their EMPLOYERS may carry them– since I’m sure that they ALL support and adhere to “the equal protection of the laws” (14th Amendment)

  4. Jake Says:

    Gotta love the obligatory MSM fearmongering.

    In the 1830s through 1850s, members of Congress regularly wore weapons on the floor of the House and Senate – and sometimes used them to threaten colleagues.

    I seem to recall that they used to get into fistfights occasionally, too.

    Maybe they’re no better than the rest of us?

  5. Vote For David Says:

    There is also a proposed bill prohibiting carrying guns within 1000ft. of a congresscritter. If they vote themselves able to carry guns everywhere, and vote themselves into randomly-located walking gun-free zones . . . is that like dividing by zero?

  6. Stretch Says:

    Guns on the floors of House and Senate should make the next Brooks-Sumner affair much more interesting.
    Now if we could just reopen Bladensburg Dueling Grounds …

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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