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Charter Arms Rimless Revolver

Actual photos. Think they’ve been teasing these for years.

5 Responses to “Charter Arms Rimless Revolver”

  1. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    If only 9mm revolvers where as popular as .410 revolvers.

  2. Tam Says:

    The name engraved on the barrel should be a big hit with fans of breed-specific legislation. 😉

  3. John Smith. Says:

    10mm and we can talk….

  4. Hartley Says:

    I was thinking .45, John – would make a good companion/alternative to a larger auto in the same caliber. I can see how 10mm would also be attractive for the same reason, tho the recoil impulse with 10mm (or 40 S&W) in a really light gun gives me pause.

    Having to cache only one pistol caliber IS attractive..:-)

  5. Chas Says:

    “I was thinking .45, John – would make a good companion/alternative to a larger auto in the same caliber.”

    I emailed Charter a few years back about going with .45. They still haven’t. In the classic bulldog, which they were supposed to be coming out with again, but haven’t yet.
    Would be great in .45 ACP with 5-shot moon clips. Powerful round, much smaller gun than a n-frame, and a fast reload. Instead, they go with this complicated ejection mechanism for rimless in .40. Anybody make speedloaders for .40 S&W? Oh, well.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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