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Another packing rep

Rep. Ellmers to go armed. Good. But you can’t do it in a snowstorm in your state.

4 Responses to “Another packing rep”

  1. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner Says:

    Not the wisest move, tactically speaking. Not the carrying part, the announcing it part.

  2. John Smith. Says:

    Some people fail to understand that guns do not make you invulnerable…

  3. Butch Cassidy Says:

    You guys miss the important points:

    1. Someone is now carrying more. Good.

    2. This someone is a public role-model showing that non-sociopaths carry guns and do responsible things with them. Great.

    3. A woman is now known to carry. Doing what we can to kill the “man carry gun, woman hide in closet” stereotype is an excellent thing.

  4. comatus Says:

    But wait, there’s more:

    4. She’s a nurse, and former head of a wound care center, so has gotten right in the face of her whole profession. Armed nurses everywhere must be dancing.

    5. Her defeated opponent, Rep. Bob “Who are you?” Ethridge, would have engendered a whole ‘nother line of commentary had he announced the same thing. ‘Course then he has a demonstrated ability to handle any potential threat with his bare hands.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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