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Paying for stuff

There’s an app for that. I look forward to the day where I don’t carry debit or credit cards and stuff is located on a secure device that folks cannot access and that I can wipe remotely.

5 Responses to “Paying for stuff”

  1. Phelps Says:

    Except for the remote wipe, cash covers all those bases nicely.

  2. Blake Says:

    Or it can just be planted under your skin so you can’t lose it (and the .gov won’t lose you either).

  3. mariner Says:

    … and which the government can and will use to track you and your every move and purchase (whether or not said tracking is legal).

  4. Ian Argent Says:

    Cash knows no owner, and has no password. I hate the stuff. I have to go out of my way to acquire it, leave a record that I did get it, and then I’m left with piles of loose change when I do use it.

  5. RC Says:

    What is needed is a multi element validation. Being able to touch your phone to a terminal (physical contact and encrypted to a public key) and then keying in information only you would know would be one technique. Could add another layer of a pass phrase to activate the hardware bit, that would be three elements. Sounds cumbersome but that’s where an innovative mind comes in. How to make it meet those criteria and be convenient?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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