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Gun Porn

Gun leather

Sundance 22 LR Over-Under Hammerless Derringer

M249 SAW

More gun leather.

Blackwater Edition Mossbergs

4 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Second link is busted.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    d’oh. fixed.

  3. Rivrdog Says:

    The derringer looks suspiciously like an old High Standard double-action derringer. In fact, it would be a twin of the High Standard except that High Standard had an open-front trigger guard, IIRC.

  4. Diomed Says:

    Yes, the barrel setup looks like an exact copy of the High Standard. The real question then becomes, did they fix the internals? (The old High Standards have very twitchy actions that tend to break. I have several and they all needed work.)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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