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About that

I tell my conservative friends that, no, Obama is not a commie. He’s just a Chicago politician. It’s getting difficult to offer that weak defense when he says stuff like this and this.

6 Responses to “About that”

  1. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    Yep, nothing scary about that. Nope, that’s just fine and dandy. And if a man with a gun has to come to the office to tell you how to distribute your money, well, that’s ok too.


  2. Gunmart Says:

    Look up the former Soviet Union’s constitution some time and read it…. You will see how scary things have gotten

  3. Bryan S. Says:

    He’s a progressive, by his own words. And a Marxist… also, by his own words.

    But that was just from his book….

  4. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Waddle waddle, quack quack.

  5. Magus Says:

    Just because he is one thing does not mean he isn’t also the other thing.

    I’ve seen flaming homosexuals that were less gay than Obama is a commie.

    It’s the Chicago politician part that lets him bamboozle the public about his true stripes so well.

  6. Jake Says:

    I’ve seen flaming homosexuals that were less gay than Obama is a commie.

    Your internets is in the mail.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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