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Nothing in Blue?

Tactical sports coat. I like it. But, seriously, you need a blue one.

7 Responses to “Nothing in Blue?”

  1. Jeanette K. Says:

    That is amazing.

  2. dustydog Says:

    That jacket is illegal in New Jersey.
    Teflon-coated coats kill cops.

  3. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    What does “high quality blend material” mean? If it’s cotton or cotton-poly, I don’t want it. I like my sportcoats in wool, the Victorian tactical fabric.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    Not supposed to button the bottom-button. I need one in brown corduroy with leather elbow patches to fit-in among the University crowd. Carry a copy of Proust hollowed-out with a gun inside. Hell Remembrance of Things Past could hold three P3AT’s and a 1911.

  5. chris Says:

    All of my sportcoats are tactical, because I always (unless I am in an airport, college sporting facility, etc.) carry my Taurus revolver in the left inside pocket.

  6. wizardpc Says:

    5.11 made one of these in navy for about ten seconds.

  7. BobG Says:

    They can’t make it in blue; if it isn’t black it can’t be tactical.

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