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House doesn’t re-authorize parts of the PATRIOT act, way to go GOP. It will probably pass, ultimately, but someone tried.

5 Responses to “Good”

  1. Phelps Says:

    I’d love for the GOP to be able to claim this one, but the lack of votes came from the Dem side. There’s no significant change in the percentage of Republican ayes.

  2. BWM Says:

    “Look at the ‘Don’t Tread on Me flag.’ It doesn’t say don’t tread on me, but it’s okay if you spy,” said Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), one of the most ardent opponents of the Patriot Act. “What the Republican leadership didn’t count on is that they have some new members who are freshmen who are conservative, libertarian, who really do believe in civil liberties.”

    For all his (many) flaws, I just can’t help liking Kucinich.

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    Wait, we’ve got 0bama in the Whitehouse. He won’t break his campaign promise to repeal the perpetual PATRIOT act by signing on to another extension twice!

  4. Oscar Says:

    When I read “…way to go, GOP”, I immediately inserted a note of sarcasm. I had to read it again to realize it was a positive comment.

    The fact is that when someone nowadays writes “Way to go, GOP”, it’s almost always in sarcastic admiration for some bone-headed move by the Reps.


  5. Jake Says:

    The fact is that when someone nowadays writes “Way to go, GOP”, it’s almost always in sarcastic admiration for some bone-headed move by the Reps.

    It was a boneheaded move by the GOP leadership – they wanted it to pass, but didn’t make sure they actually had the votes.

    The GOP expected little trouble with the bill. So Republicans brought the Patriot Act to the floor under a special procedure that requires a two-thirds vote for passage. […]

    Renewing that Patriot Act had certainly had wide support. 277 members voted in favor of the measure compared to just 148 nays.

    But that’s short of the two-thirds supermajority. Which means the House defeated the bill.

    It figures that when they do something right, it’s because they screwed up.

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