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Sabre Defence in the news

Looks like their owner is under indictment for violating the Arms Export Control Act. Now, this could be something big, like guns to the UK. But it could also be nothing, like exporting a few springs, optics, or gun parts. After all, ITT was fined under the act for exporting night vision and Boeing was fined for exporting a microchip.

5 Responses to “Sabre Defence in the news”

  1. Tam Says:

    Shouldn’t that be “in the newc”? 😀

  2. John Smith. Says:

    The Arms export control act is one of those punitive laws that you are not violating until the government prosecutes you over it… It and the Lacey act are my 2 least favorite laws…

  3. anon Says:

    Back in the day, sending an Intel 286 to Russia was tantamount to treason because it was ‘too powerful’.

  4. Diomed Says:

    The vague description makes it sound like he was trading parts between different branches of his company.

    The AECA is a seriously flawed law. Something else we can thank the post-Nixon insanity of Congress for…

  5. dave Says:

    “After all, ITT was fined under the act for exporting night vision and Boeing was fined for exporting a microchip.”

    Night vision equipment is on the USML,which is a pretty big deal 🙂

    The export of classified information to Singapore and China was also a pretty big deal.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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