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Hillary Clinton says something dumb

We can’t legalize drugs there’s just too much money in it.

5 Responses to “Hillary Clinton says something dumb”

  1. Huck Says:

    When does the Hildebeest ever say anything intelligent?

  2. bob r Says:

    What she said isn’t dumb; that she said it was. Pretty rare for a politician to slip up and state the truth. Especially one of her ilk.

    The first several comments of the linked article cover it pretty well.

  3. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Yes, but the video is equally stupid. It criticized Hillary but then uses alcohol as an example of an unregulated market. So unregulated that we still have bootleggers making shine to dodge taxes how many years after the fall of prohibition?

  4. chris Says:

    The Federal government needs to get out of the drug prohibition business and deploy the DEA ninjas to our southern border.

    Let the states make (or decline to make) their own drug laws.

    The War on Drugs is a complete failure and a complete waste.

  5. Phelps Says:

    She’s right, though. Between the DEA, the various local agencies, the DARE scams, the prisons, the judicial systems, and the highway robbery posing as asset confiscation, there is way too much money in this prison-industrial complex to legalize it.

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