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Gun dealers in NY arrested for sharing freely available information with customers.

10 Responses to “Information”

  1. Chas Says:

    “Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice says a 10-month investigation found the gun dealers modified assault rifles to bring them in compliance with state law.”

    Compliance with the law is no defense? Kathleen Rice is in league with Carolyn McCarthy. They recently did some anti-gun rights indoctrination of schoolchildren together. See video at

  2. Ben Says:

    “The dealers then would instruct the undercover officers posing as customers how to change them back into full-fledged assault weapons.”

    “full-fledged assault weapons.” Bwa ha ha ha ha! If only the reporter who wrote that knew how stupid it is.

  3. Bobby Says:

    The guy who owns T&T was my Cub Scout leader. Hes a pretty good guy, and I am a frequent customer.

    Sad to see him get into this, His is the only half-good shop within an hours drive. (although South Shore Sportsman was catching up a bit)

  4. Bobby Says:

    The articles posted doesn’t mention it… T&T was the shop where they supposedly have the video of on of the guys telling a custy how you could make a pinned stock adjustable.

  5. Tango Says:

    annnnnnnnnnnnd proof that freedom of speech is gone, too.

  6. one-eyed Jack Says:

    I always have a bitch of a time in getting the bayo lug back on. Jack.

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    10 months spent on this? Wonder how many Terrorists they could find in the same period? Well, we know who else is running for a Commie-for-life Politician job, now don’t we?

  8. Chas Says:

    “The dealers then would instruct the undercover officers…”

    Last I heard, education is not a crime. Maybe it is now.

  9. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “My commie compadre, Kathleen Rice, is doing a great job of getting FFL’s off the street. These FFL’s are the private enterprise capitalists who sell guns to the law-abiding citizens who are the biggest threat that our Marxist/warrior/hero/criminals face. Ms. Rice is doing a great job of making the streets safe for our criminal compadres who are so helpful in bringing down America and destroying capitalism, while at the same time she’s working hard to destroy the right to keep and bear arms and putting private businesses out of business. She’s practically one of our Marxist/warrior/hero/criminals herself, which is quite an accomplishment for her to pull of while masquerading as a District Attorney! Ha! Ha! We’ve infiltrated capitalist America and we’re bringing down the system from within! All your gun rights are belong to us! And your gun stores! And your criminals too! Ha! Ha! We Marxists own America and we can do with it as we please!”

  10. Brad Says:

    For the defense: time to roll out McDonald v Chicago!

    I hope entire NY ban on so-called “assault-weapons” gets overturned as unconstitutional as a consequence of this persecution by the DA.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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