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Started taxes. This is the box of crap I need to support my taxes:

I need to keep that box for 7 years, in case I am audited.

24 Responses to “Feh”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Irs files. Amongst the worst garage space hogs.

  2. Ron W Says:

    Income Tax= slave tax

  3. John Smith. Says:

    Hell ron.. Most of us are wage slaves already..

  4. Earl Harding Says:

    Oh My,

    I thought mine was bad!

  5. Jay Says:

    “I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization.” –Oliver Wendell Holmes

    I’ll allow that the tax code is significantly more baroque than it was when he was abiding by it.

  6. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Glad to be out of all that itemizing and whatnot; I was actually able to fall back to a 1040A, and it takes me all of an hour (gloat gloat).

  7. Countertop Says:

    And what if you don’t keep them? What if their lost?

  8. Justthisguy Says:

    Uncle, I see yer “feh” and raise you a “Yawn.”

    Serves you right to get a heapin’ helpin’ of a taste of yer own medicine, you who does these “credit checks” (What are they? IIRC. there were no such things when I was in my 20s and 30s, and had several responsible jobs on no more basis than an introduction and a handshake.)

    Used to be, when you wanted to hire somebody for a serious job involving responsibility for lots of bucks, you made the guy post a bond. If he didn’t have the bucks, you handled it through an insurance company and took the premiums out of his pay.

    Depending on the firm which used to be known as Retail Credit, and its ilk, to vet yer prospective employees is just retarded.

  9. Justthisguy Says:

    P.s. Whoops! Forgot to say, I do love me some Schadenfreude. I am a grumpy old geezer, y’know. Uncle, despite your successfull reproduction and your successfull business career, sometimes I think that you are a callow un-informed kid in your internet writings.

    I write as someone who will be 60 years old entirely too soon, and who remembers my Dad’s stories about chasing his grandpa down when he went off to talk to the other Confederate Veterans. I remember my country, and my people. The proudest boast I can make about my family is that, as far as I know, all four of my Great-Grandfathers served honorably in war against the United States of America.

  10. Justthisguy Says:

    P.s. Sometimes the Old Guys remember the Better Ways to Do Things.

  11. MJM Says:

    Serfs. We are serfs, working for the federal government. I have so many reasons why the income tax should still be unconstitutional that I simply cannot begin to recount them; I am trying to get my next book out. While Jimmy Carter strives for the “worst president” award, it goes to Woodrow Wilson. Among multiple other roads to ruin Wilson set us on, Wilson the “progressive” gave us the progressive income tax, one of Karl Marx’s infamous 10 planks of communism. Arrggh.

  12. Chas Says:

    Individuals never have to pay taxes in the US because the federal government gets all the money it needs to operate from a modest tax on businesses. Only commercial organizations that already have an office staff to handle such things have to figure out, calculate and pay taxes. The government would never impose such a thing on individuals, who would then have to function like a business office, since individuals aren’t equipped to do that. Some individuals simply wouldn’t even be able to handle it at all. It would be a ridiculous and outrageous imposition on ordinary citizens, and people just wouldn’t stand for it. There’s nothing to worry about; it’ll never happen.

  13. MJM Says:

    Holmes was plainly wrong. Indeed, there is an inverse relationship between the burden of taxes and civilization. Our civilization is declining. All you buy with taxes is government. Some if it we need, like enforcement of “Thou shalt not commit murder” and “Thou shalt not steal.” The rest is just government. to the ghost of Justice Holmes: We overbought and now civilization slouches toward financial and moral bankruptcy. I’ll show you your civilization: Turn your eyes on the misbehaving progressives in Madison.

  14. Ellen Says:

    I have to fill out Schedule C for a modest home business. Taxes are a pain, self-employment taxes are a pain, but most of all, the record-keeping is a pain.

  15. SayUncle Says:

    probably the callow un-informed kid, but what does my tax paperwork have to do with credit/background checks on prospective employees?

  16. MPH Says:

    Actually, you’ll need to keep those records forever. See, if the IRS has “evidence” of “fraud”, they can audit you as far back as they want. Of course, the IRS decides what is “evidence” and what is “fraud”. If you don’t have the needed paperwork from 37 years ago to prove your deductions, they’ll disallow them, and charge you interest and penalties.

    All taxes, including corporate taxes, are paid by individuals (customers pay corporate taxes; I once saw an analysis that showed that 50% of the selling price of a car made in the USA was taxes – hidden from the buyer). Income taxes are only paid by those who earn enough money; over 50% of our population pays no income taxes (either because they have no income, or the IRS can’t prove that they make enough).

    I’m a believer in a new tax code. No corporate taxes at ALL. Only a per-person fixed fee for taxes. Everyone pays the same amount. If we’re all supposed to be “equal under the law”, and government is supposed to benefit us all equally, we should all pay equally.

    Make it legal for one person to pay another person’s taxes (so you can choose to help grandma with her tax bill), and require each parent to pay half of the taxes owed by their kids until they are 18.

    The current tax code has those without kids subsidizing those with kids, and the single subsidize the married – a single person making the same amount as a married couple pays more in taxes. In this tax code, the more kids you have, the more you pay. That makes sense, as the more kids you have, the more benefit you get from government: public schools – although it is debatable as to whether they are a benefit; police; fire; ambulance; DoD; etc. Your family’s bigger, you’ve got more to protect from foreign invasion, criminals, and natural disasters, so shouldn’t you pay more? Certainly, in private insurance, the more stuff you have, the more you pay; shouldn’t government be the same?

  17. Ron W Says:

    Taxes should be acxcording to the “delegated powers” of indirect taxing as originally specified by the Constitution; (“duties, imposts,excise”) A personal income tax necessitates violating the 4th and 5th Amendments as we are imposed upon to provide our private papers to the government and we can’t safely “take the 5th on the that”….lest the hired guns will terrorize you into waiving your rights.

  18. Ron W Says:


    I agree that with our income tax, taxes should be assesssed according to “the equal protection of the laws”. Everyone pays the same percentage rate with same amount of personal deductions. Also, no double taxation. After we pay the tax on income and then save some of it, taxes should not be assessed on interest from savings.

    But taxation is a way to control us and the more complex, convoluted and “progressive” the tax system, the greater the control over us.

  19. Charles Mazza Says:

    Actually the IRS can only go back 3 yrs now. If you volunteer more than they can go back further. Of course they don’t tell you that.

  20. OHIO SHAWN Says:

    They can only audit you 3 years back now, but if they find evidence of fraud they can go another 4 years back. If they find fraud in those 4 years (seven at this point) they can get a judge to let them investigate as far back as they like until they find a year you weren’t “cheating”.

  21. Breda Says:

    Wow, and it’s so organized.

  22. karrde Says:

    Uncle, I understand that you work with other people’s…er, companies…taxes professionally.

    Then you do your own in your spare time, or something.


    Do you get any help from the guys at Intuit?

    Tim Geithner gives them a high recommendation, I’m told.

  23. Davidwhitewolf Says:

    My father went through several audits on our family’s taxes, and I’ve defended a couple corporate audits professionally. Breda, that level of “organization” is often intentional in order to wear the auditor down. It works.

  24. CarlS Says:

    Taxes & Statute of Limitations

    You have 3 years to claim a tax refund.

    The IRS has 3 years to audit your tax return or to assess any additional tax liabilities. This is measured from the day you actually filed your tax return. If you filed your taxes before the deadline, the time is measured from the April 15th deadline. After the three-year audit time period has expired, the IRS cannot initiate an audit of your tax return unless there is a suspicion of tax fraud.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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