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Great moments in gun handling

A picnic in Albania.

12 Responses to “Great moments in gun handling”

  1. Barron Barnett Says:

    It’s like watching a NASCAR race. The only reason you keep watching is for when the poor sap crashes in to the wall gets shot.

  2. Gerry Says:

    Albanian gunbloggers picnic?

  3. jefferson101 Says:

    Memo to self:

    If invited to a Picnic in Albania, or one given by Albanians anywhere else in the world, plead previous engagement and decline to attend.

  4. BobG Says:

    Personally, I think they were just trying to drown out that godawful singing and caterwauling that the drunken musicians were doing.

  5. ben Says:

    Holy crap!

  6. DirtCrashr Says:

    Guy-picnic – where’s all the women?

  7. Rabbit Says:

    Women? Nominally Muslim, when it suits them.

  8. TerryP Says:

    Wow! I thought my family gatherings were a little out-of-control. At least put on some eye and ear protection for goodness sake…

  9. Kristopher Says:

    It takes a few generations for people to learn to stop being stupid with firearms.

    They had been disarmed since the start of WWII, so they have a lot of stupid to get out of.

  10. comatus Says:

    Zog ėshtė e lirė.

  11. Chas Says:

    They can’t even keep the beat with their pistols. No natural rhythm?

  12. Albanian Says:

    You guys are not funny, if you were trying to be. Because that’s offensive to us. As it goes to Kristopher nobody started WWII, so I don’t think it’s very generous of you to say something like that !

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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