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Keeping score

Something I said at the office (which you should remember for later): The road to Hell is paved with derivative financial instruments.

I think those are right there between underpants gnomes and advertising based web business models in terms of suck.

8 Responses to “Keeping score”

  1. Richard Allen Says:

    Derivatives have valid uses but can and have been abused. Kinda like guns. Wouldn’t want this web site to be blaming inanimate objects rather than criminals.

  2. alan Says:

    The road to economic disaster is certainly paved with them.

  3. mikee Says:

    Maybe wallpapered with them.

  4. **** Says:

    Derivatives aren’t evil, people who don’t understand derivatives using them are evil.

  5. Les Jones Says:

    I liked what Charlie Munger said, “When you try to reach out and collect the money that’s backing up the derivatives the money vanishes.” I was amazed the Warren Buffett actually got into the derivatives trade.

  6. Zack Says:

    Derivatives are akin to mixing equal portions of milk, bourbon, and sewage.

  7. GB Says:

    Umm…aren’t you an ad funded business model? Your blog certainly doesn’t suck……just saying. =)

  8. oldsmobile98 Says:

    Unc, thought you might want to know that our own Blount County Commission just refinanced our $229 million of debt.

    46% of it will be synthetically-fixed-rate debt.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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