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More constitutional carry

If you had asked me five years ago if I thought we’d see a successful push for handgun carry without a license, I would have said no. But we’ve a few successes recently. And, now, two more pushes for it in Idaho and Colorado.

9 Responses to “More constitutional carry”

  1. Tango Says:

    So which states is that this year?
    Idaho, Colorado, Wyomin, Utah. Which others? We need to make a graphic like they animated Concealed Carry graphic.

  2. HardC0rps Says:

    The success of this movement shows that our government is most easily manipulated by lobbying on behalf of a clearly defined and narrow demand. It’s really incredible how the carry movement has evolved. This history would be an incredible treasure-trove of knowledge on American governance as well as a guide. Though it is organic and grassroots as well, it may be tougher to change things on the federal level such as opening up the registry for one, and eventually eliminating it.

    Thank God federal concealed carry laws never gained any traction.

  3. richard Says:

    So, Ms. Jensen thinks that the 1200 who were deemed ineligible to carry (for reasons of past acts or mental condition) would carry anyway if no permit was required, but they will not carry since they have been denied a permit? And she was born what time yesterday?

  4. Nylarthotep Says:

    NH has a couple of bills pending that would do the same thing. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

  5. Bruce MacMahon Says:

    In New Hampshire, we’re taking on our draconian gun laws and pushing for Constitutional Carry. Of course, by draconian, I mean…

    – open carry legal without a permit
    – pistol license for concealed carry costs $10 with no fingerprinting, photograph, safety training requirement
    – lawful private transfers of firearms
    – no “assault weapon” restrictions in place
    – etc.

  6. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I hope you succeed, Bruce, because Governor Lynche’s middle-finger gesture of jacking the $20 Non-res permit to $100, I’m not renewing my NH Permit.

  7. jh Says:

    There is a MAP for that… at least once they’re official.

  8. Tango Says:

    South Carolina

    Just looking through Uncle’s posts, those are the states we have trying it this year. I miss any?

    Oh, and Nevada. Watch today’s posts.

  9. SPQR Says:

    Not going to happen in Colorado, the Democrats still control one House and the Governor is the king of amiable mediocrity, Hickenlooper.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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