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Every promise has an expiration date

Remember talk of closing Gitmo? Neither does the president.

9 Responses to “Every promise has an expiration date”

  1. Joe Mama Says:

    Looks like access to the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) after the election educated the ignorant.

  2. Stormy Dragon Says:

    More like access to the polls. This have nothing to do with security, it’s just political cowardice.

    It’s a shame to, as it’s one of the few areas I agreed with Obama’s campaign positions. He’s been worse than I imagined on issues where I expected him to be bad and just as awful on issues where I expected him to be good.

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    Breaking the “close gitmo” promise is old news. This here has to do with the resumption of military trials vs. sending the detainees to regular courts.

    Of course, if we gave them a fair trial, each should last about five minutes, and everyone would get off because The sixth Amendment to the Constitution guarantees all persons accused of criminal wrongdoing the right to a speedy trial.

  4. aeronathan Says:

    Heh, I was never in favor of closing gitmo. Gitmo is actually a pretty good place to keep a bunch of guys who are dangerous and have very dangerous friends. Nothing like smack dab in the middle of a military base surrounded by an unfriendly closed country for keeping those guys isolated.

    However, what I was and am in favor of, is ending indefinite detention without trial, which is honestly the crux of most people’s problem with gitmo…

  5. Standard Mischief Says:

    I too could not care less about gitmo, except it was a 0bama promise, and also the government used to have this idea that gitmo being in cuba was a special magic place where human civil rights don’t exist, but US law does.

    It’s been a few years since that was struck down by the supremes, but no change in status for the prisoners.

    They’re either POWs or they’re alleged criminals. While it may be convenient, making up a third status out of whole cloth is ludicrous.

    If they’re POWs, you can’t torture them.

    If they’re alleged criminals, you still can’t torture them and you also can’t flagrantly violate Habeas corpus, deny them access to the courts, deny them a fair and speedy trial, yada yada yada,,,

  6. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Gitmo is actually a pretty good place to keep a bunch of guys who some politician claims are dangerous and have very dangerous friends.

    There, fixed it for you.

  7. dustydog Says:

    Racist! Racist!

  8. Lyle Says:

    Is this Obama’s “Read my lips..” moment?

  9. Lyle Says:

    Blame Bush.

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