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A bird

I know that eagles are all American and apple pie and stuff. And that it’s illegal to shoot them. But it seems like a offering $17K reward and that the penalty is a $100K fine and a year in jail is a bit much for shooting a bird.

7 Responses to “A bird”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    This has more to do with appeasing the native tribes than anything else. However, you CAN be fined $5K for wasting just one seagull, and you know how many of those there are!

  2. Randy Says:

    National symbol needs to have a national size penalty. To me it’s no different than burning a red white and blue piece of cloth.

    I would do neither and whatever penalty you want to put on doing either one of those activities is fine with me.

  3. HardC0rps Says:

    There are more bald eagles in alaska than seagulls and crows combined im sure. Just a dumb bird, plenty of them.

  4. OHIO SHAWN Says:

    I agree with Randy, its not that individually they are fairly dumb carrion eaters, its that collectively they are the National Bird and a recurring symbol of our military and Republic. They deserve over size protection and fines associated with needless killing. Now, that said, if one swoops into my yard and goes after the kiddies (or hell, even my dog) all bets are off. SSS.

  5. John Smith. Says:

    I wish the turkey was the national bird then we would eat bald eagles on thanksgiving…

  6. Jeffersonian Says:

    Out for a drive two Sundays back. Saw two bald eagles eating the @$$hole out of a dead raccoon. Truly majestic creatures. Inspiring and such.

  7. Jeffersonian Says:

    I forgot to mention, the racoon was roadkilled. Carry on.Heh.

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