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Audience Shopping

NPR went audience shopping a bit back. NPR was recently targeted by fake audience shopping. Now, the CEO resigns.

6 Responses to “Audience Shopping”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Can we defund these assholes now?

  2. comatus Says:

    What, and have them bump down into every high-prestige bias-wrangling berth left in their dying industry? That would be as bad as turning the ATF guys loose in the market with their seniority and resumes intact.

    Much safer for the republic to keep them on the payroll so you can control them. Assign them to cover the BoomerShoot, over and over, and edit their copy to make them sound like Palinistas. You’ll make back your investment by not paying on the suicide clause in their no-cost life insurance.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So that Commie Leach Vivian Schiller has to stop feeding from the Public Trough and try to find a Real Job? Wonder who she’s seeing first, her Publicist or her Psychiatrist? Karma can be such a Bitch sometimes.

  4. Chas Says:

    They can throw anyone they please to the pursuing wolves, but they’re still a bunch of commies, and we should still continue to pursue them. The gross institutional bias at NPR didn’t end by simply dumping two Schillers.

    National People’s Radio can undertake the formal institutional reforms that it needs to achieve balance, right after those thieving, commie thugs stop stealing my tax dollars and using them against me!

  5. DirtCrashr Says:

    I just saw a picture of her – she’s a punk kid. No wonder the wheels are coming off all over Leftyville, the people running things are soft-head bubble-babies, raised in an air-tight chamber Unicorn farts while listening to the sermons of Marxology.

  6. Lyle Says:

    I used to listen to NPR, back in my twenties, and that was more than enough to last for the rest of my life. Even the good music they occasionally play is punctuated with Progressive nonsense, such that I’d rather buy the music and listen to it on my own time, without the bad reception, limited dynamic range, limited frequency response, fence-posting while driving, and interference. FM radio is a mostly-dead medium anyway, and NRP is little more than a lonely-hearts club for socially dysfunctional Progressives, pining for the 1930s, when socialism was cool.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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