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Backup Flashlights

Really? That’s it, to be truly tactical, I must carry two of everything!

14 Responses to “Backup Flashlights”

  1. Tam Says:

    I admit to carrying more than one flashlight.

    And the little Photon on my keychain sees a lot more use than the big light.

  2. Robb Allen Says:

    I misread your title as “Backup Fleshlights”.

    Needless to say, I giggled a little.

  3. TomcatsHanger Says:

    I tend to carry, uh, three flash lights.
    A good tac light in my off hand pocket, and cheap AA LED light in my strong side pocket, and a little AAA LED on my keys.

    The AA light IS as powerful as a G2 though.

  4. TomcatsHanger Says:

    oh, and I’m about fed up with Surefire’s E series tail switches failing without much use. I’ve burned through 2 or 3, and now I just don’t carry surefire products in my pockets.

  5. MHinGA Says:

    Like Tam, I have a little Photon on my keychain. When I carry a Maxpedition “murse” there’s usually an extra light in there or attached on there somewhere. My briefcase has an extra light in it.

    Times I’ve needed a light: countless.

    Times I’ve needed a blade: countless.

    Times I’ve needed a gun: only once, but it was memorable!

    I carry them all, because when you need a gun, you REALLY need a gun.

  6. CTone Says:

    I carry a spare light in my bag that I take to work, just in case the end of the world turns out to be like Pitch Black.

    Can’t be too tactical these days; I mean who here honestly doesn’t carry a baggie of spare ammo for their spare magazine just in case it’s a bad lot? Anybody?

  7. Olav Says:

    Looks like the human body is pretty tactical.

    Two arms, legs, ears, eyes, kidneys, lungs…

  8. Guy who didn't get the joke on the Simpsons Says:

    “Two arms, legs, ears, eyes, kidneys, lungs…”

    And two livers. Homer’s going to sell one of his to make money.

  9. Matthew Carberry Says:

    Wait, if two is one, and one is none, then logically if you only carry two flashlights you are actually lightless.

    That’s why I carry three of everything, logic and tacticality are inexorable.

  10. North Says:

    Two is one and one is the loneliest number, according to three dog night.

  11. OHIO SHAWN Says:

    I like three dog night

  12. Bill Says:

    Guilty, I carry 3.

    Two Surefires and a custom. One of the Surefires has been customized as well.

  13. M@ Says:

    On duty I have two, Surefire E2D with aftermarket LED upgrade and a Gladius Maximis, plus a rechargeable Stinger LED. Oh, and a M2 UTL on the USP, only halogen I have that gets any regular use.

    Off duty, SureFire E2D and Stinger keychain light.

    Always have the 5.11 light in my truck too.

  14. seeker_two Says:

    Two flashlights here as well….a Inova x5 and a little keychain light/bottle opener….guess which one I use most….

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