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ATF doesn’t like the competition

ATF raid in border town gets police chief and mayor on gun charges. If I were those two, I’d just make up a bogus story about how it was all part of an elaborate sting to smuggle guns into Mexico and then catch the bad guys later.

3 Responses to “ATF doesn’t like the competition”

  1. dustydog Says:

    Actually, may not be a bogus story. Completely plausible that they were acting on explicit ATF orders and are now being thrown under the bus.

  2. Matthew Carberry Says:

    AK pistols and the new Tec-9’s.

    Both already subject to multiple sales reports which ATF missed. Probably because they were too busy carefully tracking the Gunwalker rifles…. oh, wait.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Columbus, New Mexico? The site of Villa’s Invasion? Didn’t those fools learn from History that nothing good comes from trafficking with Banditos?

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