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TSA will have none of your protests, no matter how peaceable

A man strips to his boxer shorts with the fourth amendment (abbreviated) on his chest to pass through a TSA checkpoint. He was detained and handcuffed for 90 minutes for, you know, being protesting and exercising his first amendment rights. He’s now suing TSA. Good.

9 Responses to “TSA will have none of your protests, no matter how peaceable”

  1. chris Says:

    Yeah, but he is probably going to be on a no fly list sometime in the future.

  2. divemedic Says:

    I guess the government should only be allowed to shut off your protest if you are part of an organization that gives lobbying dollars to Democrats. You know, like Wisconsin teachers.

  3. Jason Says:

    [T]he authorities wanted to know “about his affiliation with, or knowledge of, any terrorist organizations, if he had been asked to do what he did by any third party, and what his intentions and goals were.”

    It is confusing. I can never remember if terrorists shout “Allah Akbar” or recite the 4th Amendment…

  4. Windy Wilson Says:

    Weren’t the Wisconsin Demonstrators breaking things in their effort to demonstrate the passion of their position?

    This is a hard case, as traditionally nudity has been a way of breaching the peace, along with violence.
    And everyone knows male nudity is more aggressive and peace-breaching than female nudity.

  5. Tango Says:

    Windy, except the part about him still wearing shorts.

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    That’s why I’m driving to the NRA Con. Why be hassled by former Rent-a-Cops who only passed the 200 hour Ohio Peace Officers Training Course before they were licensed to carry a .38 Revolver (the situation up here at Cleveland Hopkins Airport). They never went to an Academy, nor spent any time as a Rookie on the Streets with a Trainer before the Congress created the TSA and made them Federales. Hell, betcha most of them wouldn’t know what FLETC was if you Tasered them to get the right answer. But YOU tell them to go back to the Mall and do some REAL work….

  7. Robert Says:

    If this results in cash then everyone ought to do it.

  8. LRM Says:

    As a frequent international traveler, I’m real sick and tired of the TSA, but those cop wannabees have a real shitty job. Imagine keeping an airport sterilized and having to deal with thousands of disgruntled assholes like me every day.
    What we need to do is find out where the top homeland security people live and protest there. Peacefully of course. Let them know what we really think of them. Peacefully of course. Maybe give them a copy of Atlas Shrugged in a peaceful way.
    Think 3 peace full’s are enough to keep me off the watch list?

  9. Tango Says:

    LRM, ANYBODY that is involved with the subversion of our most basic rights is guilty and everything possible should be done to harass, intimidate, or otherwise make their lives miserable. They aren’t innocent soldiers. They’re JBTs that don’t give a shit.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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