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He wouldn’t have listened to them anyway

Obama continues meetings on gun talks without the NRA.

3 Responses to “He wouldn’t have listened to them anyway”

  1. Mike Says:

    Is he actually gonna be there, or is he phoning it in from the golf course?

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Are the meetings being held before, during, or after the Wednesday Night Party that occurs every week on our Taxpayer Dime? Of course, if BHO was the President of China, he wouldn’t have to have those silly meetings in the first place. But since he has been quoted as saying that the “Job’s Too Hard,” Barry needs to realize that there is nothing stopping Him from throwing in the Towel and Catching the next Flight to Beijing. Hell, I’ll help with the Moving Expenses!

  3. Chas Says:

    Poor Obama. It’s just an anti-gunner circle jerk now.

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