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How dare you not listen to this petty tyrant

Bloomberg is a bit upset that you don’t seem to appreciate what he’s trying to do for you:

Mayor Bloomberg scolded the nation Tuesday for failing to take on the gun lobby to restrict weapons sales.

“This is just no courage on the part of Americans to stand up and say ‘Enough,'” Bloomberg said while joining members of Congress who support closing loopholes that allow criminals, drug abusers and the mentally ill to buy guns.

Or, you know, maybe we like gun rights?

18 Responses to “How dare you not listen to this petty tyrant”

  1. bob r Says:

    “This is just no courage on the part of Americans to stand up and say ‘Enough,’”

    I highly doubt that is true, Mr. Bloomberg. Most people just *ignore* the idiots that need to be told “Enough”.

    But I’ll speakup: Enough, Mr. Bloomberg; just STFU.

  2. jason Says:

    Enough! Of Bloomburg’s BS!!

  3. Kristopher Says:

    So, when is he going to insist his bodyguards get rid of their evil firearms?

  4. hellferbreakfast Says:

    The location of the lack of courage is very obvious.

  5. John A Says:

    “closing loopholes that allow criminals, drug abusers and the mentally ill”

    What loopholes?

    Oh yes –

    the ones that assume someone with no court convictions may not be a criminal: now, prove you are not.

    The ones that do not assume everyone who has ever used aspirin (or for the Luddites, a willow-bark tisane) is is a drug abuser: prove you are not.

    The ones that assume if you have not been treated for mental illness (or for that matter have been, but for a problem with no endangerment to self or others) you may be OK – prove it.

    THOSE “loopholes.” Along with Grampa not being allowed to leave you his S&W in his will, because he will not be able (being, at the time of transfer, dead) to run you through the background checks, and it is also a must-be-banned “private” transfer anyway.

  6. Ron W Says:

    If Mayor Bloomberg thingks gun control is good for us, let him lead by example and disarm his hired guns and forego any armed protection.

  7. John Smith. Says:

    His head is so far up his ass it popped up out of his neck…

  8. ATL Says:

    “closing loopholes that allow criminals, drug abusers and the mentally ill”

    How about closing the loophole that allows them to run for public office?

  9. Bubblehead Les Says:

    I really hope this gets back to the NYC Mayor. Okay, Mr. Hosni Bloomberg, see if you can get this through your thick headed skull: You are a Mayor of ONE city in ONE state that has driven away those with Money and Capital that will allow it to grow and prosper. Who the Fuck do you think you are, Lord of the Universe? How can you be in power when you knowingly violated Federal Law with your Straw Purchases? You should be stripped of all your power and sent to court for your attempt to Violate MY Constitutional Rights! If we had a REAL DOJ that was willing to Obey the Law, I’d be laughing as you do a Perp Walk into the Fed Courthouse!

  10. Rivrdog Says:

    @#$%(*&^%#$%^&…and the horse he rode in on.

  11. ATLien Says:

    Wait til he hears our views on tyrants such as himself.

  12. Dan Says:

    He should of just stuck to ripping on Buffalo.

  13. rick Says:

    Hmm, so I’ve been called a coward by Holder and now by Bloomberg. Must be true. Excuse me while I go quiver in the corner. Or not.

  14. Chas Says:

    Judging by the sound of him, the American people are doing a pretty courageous job of defending their freedom by standing up to an over privileged, little bully boy like Bloomberg.
    It’s a pleasure to hear the little tyrant, used to getting his way, whine about not getting his way.

  15. IllTemperedCur Says:

    Scolding and insulting the very people you’re trying to bring around to your side? Bloomie must have misplaced his copy of “How To Win Friends and Influence People”.

  16. Matt in AZ Says:

    It must be easy bein’ queasy when a dozen armed men protect you at all times.

  17. Tango Says:

    The best way to deal with a child throwing a temper tantrum is to ignore him.

  18. Kristopher Says:

    Unfortunately, this child has a political office, and is about as dangerous as a chimp with a pistol.

    We’ll need to get him disarmed asap.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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