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I see dumb people

Damn, there is so much stupid.

9 Responses to “I see dumb people”

  1. GD Says:

    The stupid, it burns…

    In other news, maybe this means all those jackwagons wouldn’t be opposed to US nuclear power? Since we don’t eat whales and dolphins, we should be safe…

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    After having lived on Ford Island and looking out my barracks room window at the U.S.S. Arizona every day, I think I’m qualified to say that Hiroshima and Nagasaki evened the score. Those WW2 Veterans who survived the Attack on Pearl Harbor, the Bataan Death March, etc, of course have EARNED the Right to Think Differently. But when 20- something College Idjits who would pee their pants and faint if the Gooberment even mentioned the idea of bring back the Draft and they’d have to actually SERVE the Country that has Spoon-Fed their Yuppie Lifestyle for 3 generations spiel this nonsense….

  3. Sigivald Says:

    None of this is really news. (That people are stupid, that is.)

    The same morons saying “it’s fair ’cause of dolphins” think the same way whenever anyone whose actions or beliefs they dislike has something bad happen to them.

    It’s not exactly something that’s rare, especially if you look at internet comments on politics or news.

    People are savages.

  4. Ancient Woodsman Says:

    Wow. Natural disaster followed by radiological emergency, all ’caused’ by whale & dolphin ‘murder’ and a sneak attack. Now I’m waiting for my community to get wiped out by some sort of karmic blast, for I know that I eat far more squirrels than anyone in town. Geez, wish I’da known.

    Sorry, folks. My bad, I guess.

  5. Chas Says:

    Voodoo politics based on free association.

  6. LRM Says:

    Yeah but you have to admit the post that says
    “All the bitch about Hiroshima and they nuke themselves” is sort of ironic.

  7. Gnarlysheen Says:

    Aquaman was upset about what Japan does to whales and dolphins, apparently.

  8. Lyle Says:

    I thought there was only one Danny Glover. I was obviously very wrong.

    Wow. I bet these are very much the same people who want to keep religion out of politics, right?

    LRM; don’t know what you’re saying. Don’t want to know.

    Anyway; we’ve nuked ourselves far more than we nuked the Japanese. Talk to the Nevadans who lived there in the ’40s and ’50s. We’ve exploded tons and tons of uranium and plutonium over U.S. soil in above-ground tests. Much more below ground, but because most of us have turned into slobbering idiots when it comes to understanding even our own history, no one knows of such things anymore.

    My grandmother, who lived in Southern Idaho, told us she had a tree that would shed its leaves after some of those tests in Nevada. She lived to around 95 years.

    If anyone can handle the nuke plants in Japan, it will be the Japanese engineers. All the second-guessing and media hype makes me puke.

    A far bigger danger is socialism, which has already killed orders of magnitude more people than any human creation on Earth.

  9. Corey Says:

    “A far bigger danger is socialism, which has already killed orders of magnitude more people than any human creation on Earth.”


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