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Do you think if I republished an entire bit from Time Warner, they’d be happy? But they seem OK with it.

5 Responses to “Question”

  1. Jeff Says:

    At least they link back to you.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    Go all Righthaven on them.

  3. wizardpc Says:

    Righthaven? Hell, go all Homeland Security on them and have the domain seized because of copyright infringement.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    A screencap might be a wise idea. Doubly so as I’m not in the mood to figure out which of 7+ servers I need to allow to run javascript on my machine for me to be allowed to see the infringing content.

  5. Rabbit Says:

    So, your next pending wheelbarrow full of cash is coming from anti-gun TWC?

    I’d be ok with giving a good lawyer a third of it.

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