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Behind the wall

Some internet filter added my domain to their banned list due to weapons. Well, if there was only a couple of other ways to get content.

3 Responses to “Behind the wall”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    Also, the RSS feed will get around this if you use google reader. Breda and Weer’d are blocked at work, but I still get the feeds.

  2. Nerd Says:

    ^^ What Wizardpc said – I get all my content from RSS feed. 🙂

  3. PT Says:

    You’re banned at the hospital I work at as an “advocacy group.”

    No matter. Just click “mobile formatted” under your link in a google search and it loads up just fine, sans pictures.

    That’s how I read all of my blocked gun blogs at work

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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