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12 Responses to “”

  1. Lance R. Peak Says:

    Too bad buildings don’t have masts.

  2. Rich Says:

    Usually I’m a little more with it, but that tweet went right over my head. Please explain.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Uhm, Elizabeth Taylor?

  4. HL Says:

    Elizabeth Taylor was gay?! Are you sure?

  5. Snubnose Says:

    HL – Elizabeth Taylor was a gay rights activist, though she wasn’t gay. She was one of the first celebs to get strongly vocal about the AIDS issue and supported the gay community. So yeah, that the flags were at half mast makes sense.

  6. Jerry Says:

    If she was, I ‘wanna see the video. Scratch that, I meant film, no video. Just the old stuff.

  7. Tam Says:

    Elizabeth Taylor, in addition to being a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire and awardee of bot the President’s Citizens Medal and the French Legion d’Honneur, was also practically an honorary gay man. They love her almost as much as Judy Garland.

  8. Wally Says:

    A question – having viewed Tam’s Tweet, Twitter refused to allow me to “back” my way to Is there something wrong with my browser, or is this why I never visit anything Twitter-related?

  9. Standard Mischief Says:

    >Twitter refused to allow me to “back” my way to

    Using any current version of Firefox?, Right next to the “back” and “forward” button is a dropdown. Use this to go two steps back in your history.

  10. HL Says:

    Wait, Judy Garland was gay?!

  11. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Same thing with the back arrow on my Safari. Sounds like Twitter is pulling a Bill Gates (“What, you want to go somewhere on the Web that I don’t own?)”. As for Liz and Gays, she got started in fighting the AIDS disease when her buddy Rock Hudson came out of the Closet and told the World he was dying.

  12. comatus Says:

    I will not be the first one to talk to y’all about Tennessee Williams. I couldn’t bear to watch.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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