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Do the Waive

Supporters of Obamacare want waivers. I’m sorry, but it is the law, right?* The law is an ass and all of that.

I’d like a waiver from gun laws and speed limits please.

* not real sure since it’s been struck down but not really kinda sorta.

8 Responses to “Do the Waive”

  1. alan Says:

    I kinda like this waiver idea. There are several laws I’d love to be able to ignore.

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    I cant really find a news article that says that the 0bama administration has files that appeal that was due on March 10th. No idea and no word if the stay expired or not. Thanks fourth estate!

  3. mikee Says:

    This year the waivers are free. What do you think the price for a waiver will be in the election year 2012?

    Those Chicago folks sure know how to set up the extortion schemes!

  4. Paul Says:

    Yea a waiver for EVERYONE. Now that is a way to get rid of Obamacare…. just exempt everyone.

    2012 can’t come to soon!!

  5. craig Says:

    Since when did the executive branch get the authority to waive laws? If Congress wrote that into Obamacare, they’re even stupider than I thought.

  6. gb Says:

    Yup, they are stupider than you thought.

  7. John Smith. Says:

    I would apply for a waiver but I ignore most laws already…

  8. Paul Says:

    Well maybe all the Republican (and Democrat) Presidential Candidates will promise to give EVERYONE a waiver. That would make Obamacare moot.

    And who knows even Obama if he runs!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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