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Look for the union label

Road destroyed by quake repaired in 6 days. In Japan.

3 Responses to “Look for the union label”

  1. Robert Says:

    They also don’t have tons of federal regs that say that the work must be bid out to X number of minority / women owed businesses.

  2. divemedic Says:

    Union or not, what American workers will show up to work 2 hours early so they can work for free to prove that they are loyal to their employers?

    Reading the following article, I can’t see how anyone would admire the pro-labor feelings in Japan:

  3. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Heh, they don’t have minority or woman owned businesses there (and we probably wouldn’t have many except for .gov preferences). When they know what needs to be done, they can get on with it. That allowed us to become great. Oh, and those employees may also be showing up early to, you know, contribute like, what with all the need going on and all. Not just that loyalty thing, but what’s really wrong with loyalty anyway?

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