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A victory for gun safety

Washington suppressor bill passed both houses, overwhelmingly. On to the governor for signature. People yammer on about these suppressors being so evil and bad and stuff. Yet, these types of bills keep passing in states. Good. Suppressors are a good health and safety tool. We muffle heavy machinery and cars.

7 Responses to “A victory for gun safety”

  1. bob r Says:

    Any pointers on the hoops one has to jump though to obtain a suppressor?

    Any recommendations as to a good one to get for use with a .22 pistol and rifle?

    Not being able to actually *use* them, I have not looked into it before this. Now I’ll have to get (at least) one.

  2. Tirno Says:

    I mentioned this to a co-worker via company IM. This was his response:

    holy fucking shit
    I just popped like 16 boners

  3. Rivrdog Says:

    Has anyone looked at what chance this bill has of being signed by the ultra-liberal Gov Gregoire?

  4. Tirno Says:

    Well, it was passed with a veto proof majority in both houses, so there is nothing for her to gain by vetoing it except to piss off some constituency or other and her own party members by throwing them under an anti-gun bus. She’s not getting re-elected with enough margin to play around like that.

  5. Barron Barnett Says:

    Rivrdog, It’s most likely going to be signed. She did also sign the firearms bills fixing the alien firearms license BS.

    Given the overwhelming support, including major support from law enforcement and local businesses it’s hard to see why should wouldn’t. She wouldn’t have any excuses to give, no one even testified against the bill at either hearing.

  6. snoopycomputer Says:

    I’ve been wondering recently what guns (handguns in particular) might look like if suppressors were not just legal, but mandatory (ie, gun is “illegal” if it does NOT incorporate a suppressor)
    What would that make the pocket-pistols popular on the current market look like? Still pocket-able? or more “scuse me while I whip this out”?

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Too bad there isn’t a “D.C.” after the word “Washington” in this law.

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