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Here’s hoping

GOP to filibuster the debt ceiling increase.

6 Responses to “Here’s hoping”

  1. BWM Says:

    In the end the debt ceiling will be raised despite any dog-and-pony show the republicans make. The same would be true if the republicans were the majority.

    This is nothing but a disgraceful attempt to pander to the idiots in the republican base.

  2. BWM Says:

    *And I am not saying the entirety of the republican base is idiots.

  3. pdb Says:

    The GOP showing a spine…? How unsettling! I’m sure they’ll cave soon enough.

  4. Freiheit Says:

    Funny how their fiscal principles come rushing back when they don’t hold the executive branch.

  5. Mike Says:

    Wasn’t Mike Lee the Tea Party guy that de-throned Bennett (R-Beltway).

    He might actually be serious about this, then.

    I think I’ll send him a note of encouragement, even though he’s not my senator.

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Trust me. Mitch and his Good Old Boys of LIFER POLs will bring this Lee pup to heel. Just like Boehner in the House won’t allow hearings and force the Obama Administration to answer some questions that might bring the Anointed One’s House of Cards down. No, they’ll just let the Demicommies keep on going with the Fundamental Transformation, thinking they can win in the next Election.

    What they forget is, that if the DemiCommies and their IslamoFascist Allies (i.e. “Libyan Rebels”) and Anarchist Buddies get their way, there won’t BE a “Next Election”. Can the Republitards put a 100,000 protestors into the Wisconsin State House inside of 12 hours like the Demicommies can? And that was just one State trying to balance a Budget. The Republitatds forgot a very simple rule, and it’s coming back to haunt all of us : KNOW THY ENEMY.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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