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Man removed from plane for having a book about weapons. I usually take a gun rag or two on the plane when I fly.

A plane was struck by a bullet. Didn’t fall from the sky.

8 Responses to “Planes”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    I want to see photos of the three removed from the plane.

    TSA SOP: “if he’s brown, he goes down”.

  2. John Smith. Says:

    I figure it had more to do with them acting nervous than with the book.. Brown + nervous = detention.
    Brown + I rip you head off and shit down your neck = Have a nice flight sir with no scanner.

  3. Gunmart Says:

    Wait, I thought the .50 cal had to be banned because it could bring down airplanes… now we have to ban the .45 ACP… Damn it, where is the Brady Bunch on this! Do they not care about the children!


  4. Monte Says:

    As a friend pointed out, they sell gun rags right in the airport.

  5. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Wonder if they would divert a plane if someone was caught reading the Constitution on the flight?

  6. Gunmart Says:

    Wonder if they would divert a plane if someone was caught reading the Constitution on the flight?

    Thats racist!


  7. hellferbreakfast Says:

    Just one more reason why I don’t fly. Besides, it makes my arms tired.

  8. Scott Says:

    Since bird strikes can down planes will reading a bird watching guide also get you tossed off?

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