Archive for March, 2011

March 21, 2011

In Mexico

It’s not just our government providing criminals with guns.


CBO: Obama understates deficits by $2.3 trillion

Meanwhile, budget cuts that matter are hard and probably unpopular.


A letter from police going around asking FFLs to report all AR-15 sales.

Glock 17 Gen4 Endurance Test

From ToddG. Looks like a few issues.

Possession 9/10ths of the law

An apartment fire and they find a gun. They then check for proper ownership.

Zombie Defense

From DownRangeTV


Mosin Nagant magazines

Correction chart

Always worth a repost

Gun Porn

Model 10

Pink shotgun

Gun stand

Suppressed Sig 220

Steve McQueen’s gun

March 19, 2011

The more things change

Seen on facebook:

Thank God we voted in the Era of Hopenchange in 2008, so we no longer have to see our military used to bomb the crap out of human rights-abusing, tyrannical despots in oil-rich Arab nations. Oh, wait…


The only difference between Obama and Bush is that Obama spends ten times the money.

March 18, 2011

Quote of the Day*


A lot of libertarians are strict non-interventionists. I’m not. When you are a human rights violator, I think that your shit needs to be blown up, and we’ve got the bombs.

* Yeah, that’s two today. What are you gonna do about it?

Shoot out caught on tape

In Nashville. A lot of WTF in that one.

“It definitely was an assault rifle”

Or, you know, an umbrella. Man with umbrella triggers manhunt.

S&W Revolver USB Drive


25 ATF Agents Outline Scandals

Some pretty damning stuff here.

The nanny of my nanny is still a nanny

And still above the law

Mentioned a bit back how the company that makes one of the drugs used in lethal injections stopped making it. So, states were unlawfully importing the drug. The DEA has seized Georgia’s supply of the drug. States’ rights, indeed.

More from Radley, who quips:

I do look forward to the feds’ attempt to seize the entire Georgia Department of Corrections under federal asset forfeiture law.


A misleading letter is being sent around by the NYPD to get people to turn in their lawfully-owned pre-ban, regular-capacity magazines.

Guns on campus

At Truman State U., students can check their guns at the Department of Public Safety. Then, when they want them, they show ID and get a quick background check to check their gun out.

No thanks.

Quote of the Day

Jacob: They know the only way for them to win right now is for the NRA to cave.


I say this as the only person I know who owns a pink gun . . .

Really, I do. The only reason to have a pink gun is because you want one. That’s it. Easy, no?

Gun has functional defect

Whenever I hear of a tragedy blamed on a defective gun, I roll my eyes. Knowing that the likely culprit was bad gun handling. Not so sure in this case:

The gun that accidentally fired last month, resulting in the death of a 7-year-old Goshen girl, had a functional defect that allowed it to fire without pressing the trigger if force was applied to the hammer, regardless of whether the safety was engaged.

The gun is only described as a Norinco semi-automatic handgun.

Behind the wall

Some internet filter added my domain to their banned list due to weapons. Well, if there was only a couple of other ways to get content.

Best pistols for steel challenge

From Mr. Completely

How Washington ruined your washing machine

And my lighting, engine performance, gas mileage, toilets, dishwasher, etc. An article here. And they’re about to ruin your car some more.

Guns for X


The science is settled.

Gun Porn

Model 10

35mm grenade launcher

Getting ready for a calendar shoot

Les Baer custom

March 17, 2011

How dare you not listen to this petty tyrant

Bloomberg is a bit upset that you don’t seem to appreciate what he’s trying to do for you:

Mayor Bloomberg scolded the nation Tuesday for failing to take on the gun lobby to restrict weapons sales.

“This is just no courage on the part of Americans to stand up and say ‘Enough,'” Bloomberg said while joining members of Congress who support closing loopholes that allow criminals, drug abusers and the mentally ill to buy guns.

Or, you know, maybe we like gun rights?

Deal Alert

$30 off 1,000 rounds of MagTech 308 with coupon code Magtech308-$30OFF.

Campus Carry

Passes the Idaho house.

I see dumb people

Damn, there is so much stupid.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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