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Shoot out at an Apple Store

Security guard and robber exchange 40 rounds. One robber killed.

13 Responses to “Shoot out at an Apple Store”

  1. ZerCool Says:

    an attempted holdup […] guard caught the suspects smashing the glass front doors of the Apple Store at the mall before the mall opened for the day.

    Breaking glass = holdup?

  2. GD Says:

    “40 shots rang out… 40 people fell. Patty and the killer missed each other, but they shot that town to hell!”

  3. dustydog Says:

    I suspect the number 40 is an exaggeration. Maybe somebody said “14” and somebody else heard “40”.

  4. Kirk Says:

    Tactical Tommy in for the win.

    One headshot and the other in the ass…

  5. Jake Says:

    I suspect the number 40 is an exaggeration. Maybe somebody said “14″ and somebody else heard “40″.

    Possibly, but if all 3(?) participants had 15 round magazines (or the guard and one robber both had 20 rounders), then if they all emptied or nearly emptied them (which is not unusual) then 40 is also a reasonable number. It doesn’t take long to empty a 15-20 round mag in that kind of situation.

    The linked article doesn’t say much about who was armed beyond one robber and the guard.

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Actually, everyone should know that there is no Cash in an Apple Store. That’s so….Last Century. It’s all just ETF’s from one’s account via an iPhone to the Apple Store. So not only were they Dumb Crooks, but they were stuck in the 90’s, Tech speaking. So all they could be after were the hardware, which is useless, because Apple will just take the Serial Numbers of the Stolen Items, active their Death Code, and one has a useless hunk of plastic. This guys must be from Microsoft.

  7. BobG Says:

    Was the guard carrying an iGun?

  8. Mu Says:

    Well, the guy earned his “mall ninja” batch for sure, maybe he can get promoted to the mall swat team.

  9. Matthew Carberry Says:

    iMissed a lot.

  10. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Just goes to show, anything over 10 rounds is, um, dangerous or something.

  11. John Hardin Says:

    “Otay Ranch”? Is that where Buckwheat retired?

  12. Gnarlysheen Says:

    Yes, it’s just down the road from the Otay Corral.

  13. Robert Says:

    I thought there was an ap for this.

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