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No jury will convict

And they might give him a medal. Paraplegic grandfather thumps the man who molested his granddaughter with a baseball bat and detains him for arrest. I know. You’re like me and thinking that this is a good thing but Cape and Islands District Attorney Michael O’Keefe is prosecuting the guy.

7 Responses to “No jury will convict”

  1. Jay G. Says:

    Dunno Unc. This *is* MA, where our Attorney General notes that we “discourage self help” (and that was after another story where a father beat the crap out of an illegal alien douchebag who touched the man’s four year old son in the bathroom…

    I suspect gramps will be acquitted, though. The Cape tends to be more conservative than the urban areas of MA…

  2. Mike Says:

    I got up early this morning to goto jury duty; sure hope I get a case like this.

  3. Nylarthotep Says:

    I’m with Jay, I’d say he may have a harder time than he would just about anywhere else. He’ll get punished just through the court costs.

    I really love the part about the perp having already been charged with sexual assault and yet still walking the streets. Thanks MA for protecting your citizens.

  4. divemedic Says:

    Actually, the judge will never let the jury hear why the assault took place. All the jury will hear is that the man initiated an assault with a baseball bat against another man. The court will rule that the “victim is not on trial here” and the jury will never hear the rest of the story.

    That is how our court system works now.

  5. Lyle Says:

    The obvious solution is to sue the bat manufacturer. This could never have happened without the shameless promotion of these instruments of violence and death.

  6. Standard Mischief Says:

    This is why they don’t want their meatbots to have access to a smartphone. The jury can tell they’re not getting the whole story, and if they search-fu from the jury box they might just realize the flim-flam the judge is pulling while s/he’s busy colluding with the prosecutor.

  7. divemedic Says:

    Standard: I kind of understand and agree with them on that one. Let’s say that the cops illegally conduct a warrantless search of your residence, and the evidence is excluded. Your juror uses his smart phone to google the case, and reads all about the evidence that was suppressed because it was illegally obtained.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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